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2) 三瀧真悟,山口修平:脳血管性認知症.荒木信夫,棚橋紀夫編:神経内科外来シリーズ5 脳卒中外来,メジカルビュー社,東京,214-221,2017
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4) 山口修平:電気生理学的検査.江藤文夫,飯島 節編:神経内科学テキスト 改訂第4版,南江堂,東京,123-129,2017
5) 村川洋子:part1:診療ガイドラインCQ3の推奨と解説.厚生労働省科学研究費補助金 難治性疾患など政策事業編:ANCA関連血管炎ガイドライン2017,診断と治療社,東京,29-33,2017
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1) Kawagoe T,Onoda K,Yamaguchi S:Associations among executive function,cardiorespiratory fitness, and brain network properties in older adults.Scientific Reports,7:40107,2017
2) Nishida N,Oguro H,Aritake S,Iwasa K,Kanai Y,Saika R,Abe S,Yamaguchi S:Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).Journal of Psychology and Cognition,2:32-34,2017
3) Mitaki S,Nagai A,Oguro H,Yamaguchi S:Serum lipid fractions and cerebral microbleeds in a healthy Japanese population.Cerebrovascular Diseases,43:186-191,2017
4) Rakhypbekov TK,Madiyeva M,Chaizhunusova N,Rymbaeva T,Berekenova G,Abylgazinova A,Hoshi M,Kawano N,Inoue K,Takeichi N,Noso Y,Kobayashi S:Comparative analysis of the prevalence of congenital heart defects in the east Kazakhstan region.Shimane Journal of Medical Science,34:13-19,2017
5) Nitta E,Onoda K,Ishitobi F,Okazaki R,Mishima S,Nagai A,Yamaguchi S:Enhanced feedback-related negativity in Alzheimer's disease.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,11,2017
6) Kawagoe T,Onoda K,Yamaguchi S:Apathy and executive function in healthy elderly-resting state fMRI study.Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience,9:124,2017
7) Oguro H,Mizuhara R,Hamada C,Abe S,Takayoshi H,Mitaki S,Nakagawa T,Onoda K,Kuroda Y,Nagai A,Yamaguchi S:Efficacy of ferulic acid for treatment of dementia. - The future of Dementia Therapies ? Scientia Health and Medicine,2017
8) Onoda K,Kawagoe T,Zheng H,Yamaguchi S:Theta band transcranial alternating current stimulations modulates network behavior of dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.Scientific Reports,7:3607,2017
9) Kimachi T,Yuki N,Kokubun N,Yamaguchi S,Wakerley BR:Paraparetic Guillain-Barré syndrome: Nondemyelinating reversible conduction failure restricted to the lower limbs.Muscle&Nerve,55:281-285,2017
10) Fujishiro R,Sonoyama H,Ide Y,Mori S,Sugimori T,Nagai A,Yoshino K,Nakamura M,Ikeue T:Morecular structure and spectroscopic properties of [2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-Octakis(3-Carboxyphenoxy) Phthalocyaninato-k4N](Pyridine-kN) Zinc(II) pyridine Octasolvate,Heterocycles,94:131-139,2017
11) Mishima S,Matsuda C,Ishihara T,Nagase M,Taketani T,Nagai A:Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the DGKB and VCAM1 genes are associated with granulocyte colony stimulating factor-mediated peripheral blood stem cell mobilization.Transfusion and Apheresis Science,56:154-159,2017
12) Notsu Y,Yano S,Takeda M,Yamasaki M,Isomura M,Nabika T,Nagai A:Association of high-density lipoprotein subclasses with carotid intima-media thickness: Shimane CoHRE Study.J Atheroscler Thromb,24,2017
13) Aritake S,Oguro H,Iwasa K,Mitaki S,Takayoshi H,Abe S,Onoda K,Yamaguchi S:Clinical efficacy of ozagrel with or without edaravone in 156 acute stroke patients.Journal of Neurology and Neuromedicine,2:16-19,2017
14) Saika R,Sakuma H,Noto D,Yamaguchi S,Yamamura T,Miyake S:MicroRNA-101a regulates microglial morphology and inflammation.Journal of Neuroinflammation,14:109,2017
15) Onoda K,Yada N,Ozasa K,Hara S,Yamamoto Y,Kitagaki H,Yamaguchi S:Can a resting-state functional connectivity index identify patients with alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment across multiple sites? Brain Connectivity,7:391-400,2017
16) Kimachi T,Sugaya K,Inoue T,Miyamoto K,Nakata Y,Bando M,Isozaki E:Reversible encephalopathy with focal brain edema in patients with neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease.Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience,in press,DOI:10.1111/ncn3.12163,2017
17) Utsunomiya M, Dobashi H, Odani T, Saito K, Yokogawa N, Nagasaka K, Takenaka K, Soejima M, Sugihara T, Hagiyama H, Hirata S, Matsui K, Nonomura Y, Kondo M, Suzuki F, Tomita M, Kihara M, Yokoyama W, Hirano F, Yamazaki H, Sakai R, Nanki T, Koike T, Kohsaka H, Miyasaka N, Harigai M:Optimal regimens of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for chemoprophylaxis of Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases: results from a non-blinded, randomized controlled trial.Arthritis Research & Therapy, 19, 2017
18) Inoue M,Honma Y,Urano T,Suzumiya J:Japanese apricot extract (MK615) potentiates bendamustine-induced apoptosis via impairment of the DNA damage response in lymphoma cells.Oncology Letters,14:792-800,2017
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2) 山口修平,小野田慶一,稲垣杏太:小脳と認知機能.Clinical Neuroscience,35:98-102,2017
3) 山口修平:高次視覚障害の診断と治療-眼科医が知っておくべき神経心理徴候-.神経眼科,34:33-39,2017
4) 三田村秀雄,山口修平,平野照之,寺山靖夫:心血管疾患リスクと認知症.Cardio-Coagulation,4:6-14,2017
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6) 小黒浩明,山口修平:脳機能賦活に対するChE阻害薬の早期介入.認知神経科学,19:20-24,2017
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